Eric Carlr in Spanish: El canguro tiene mama?-Does a kangaroo has a mother, too? (Spanish)

Eric Carlr in Spanish: El canguro tiene mama?-Does a kangaroo has a mother, too? (Spanish)




by Eric Carle

Of course they do -- just like me and you! From baby kangaroos, called joeys, to baby elephants, called calfs, every kind of animal has a mother. Inside this playful and colorful book you will see all sorts of different babies with their mothers, all with one thing in common: Their mothers love them very, very much -- just like your mother loves you! Come right in and meet the family -- the animal family, that is -- in words and pictures by Eric Carle.

¿Los animales tienen mam? ¡Por supuesto que sÍ;! Los animales tienen mam, como tÚ y como yo, ¡igual!;Conoce al bebÉ canguro que viaja dentro de una bolsa en la barriga de su mam. Mira c omo el polluelo del cisne navega en el lomo de su mam. Dentro de este divertido y colorido libro vers a muchos bebÉs con sus mams. Todos ellos tienen algo en comÚn: sus mams los aman muchÍ;simo. ¡Igual que la tuya te ama a ti!

"If you know ;the original, the Spanish translation is just as good. Lovely illustrations and a hit with my son."

Ages 4-8; 32 Pages; Paperback


$ 12.45