Dov'è la mia mamma? - Where is my Mom? (Italian)

Dov'è la mia mamma? - Where is my Mom? (Italian)




by Julia Donaldson

Scimmia non trova la sua mamma! Ma per fortuna una farfalla gentile le offre il suo aiuto. Se solo Scimmia potesse spiegare esattamente come è fatta!

When little monkey can't find his mother, butterfly offers to help in the search. Little monkey says that his mother is big, so butterfly leads him to . . . an elephant. No, that's not right! Little monkey says his mom is furry, so butterfly leads him to . . . a bat. That's not right either. From then on, little monkey and butterfly meet many jungle animals, but they don't find Mom until little monkey comes up with just the right description.

Ages 3-8; 32 Pages; Paperback (151 x 205 x 7mm)


$ 16.95