Come sopravvivere alla scuola - How to survive at school (Italian)

Come sopravvivere alla scuola - How to survive at school (Italian)




by Eleonora Olivieri
Your backpack is heavy, the school bus has left, you arrive late to school and you yawn at your desk ... You do your homework during recess and, as if that wasn't enough, you receive a report card that seems like a joke! And instead it's all true. Math: 5; Italian: you'll be luckier; English: no comment; history: here begins my downfall. It seems impossible, but there's a solution for you too. What you need is a school manual. A guide dedicated to girls who are looking for practical and effective advice on the right study method; a fun - and useful - help to overcome the fear of teachers, test anxiety and... to be successful among classmates
Ages 11 and up; 128 Pages; Paperback  (13 x 1 x 19 cm)


$ 13.45