Corduroy (Spanish)

Corduroy (Spanish)




by Don Freeman
Spanish language translation of the beloved story featuring a toy bear.
A small teddy bear named Corduroy sits on the shelf of a department store and longs for someone to buy him. One afternoon, a little girl spots him and instantly decides he is the bear she has always wanted. The girl's mother refuses to buy Corduroy, pointing out that the missing button on his overalls makes him look old.;; Freeman's use of a character like Corduroy who appears to be flawed because of a useless overall strap conveys a valid moral lesson that even though something is not perfect, it is no less special.
Freeman's illustrations also help add to the story's sense of adventure as the little teddy bear explores the sights and sounds of the world around him. By utilizing a sense of childlike innocence and curiosity, Freeman creates a character with the kind of charm and sincerity that children and adults alike will find hard to resist.;
Ages 3-7; 32 Pages; paperback


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