Bajki Ezopa - Aesop's Stories (Polish)

Bajki Ezopa - Aesop's Stories (Polish)




By Aesop
Stories included in this volume: Horse and donkey; Lion and mouse; Stubborn somersaults; Ant and Grasshopper: Wolf and Cran; e; Fox and raven; City ​​mouse and country mouse; Horse and wolf; The fox and the stork
Bajki zawarte w tym tomie:
Koń i osioł;    Lew i mysz;   Uparte koziołki;    Mrówka i konik polny:    Wilk i żuraw; 
Lis i kruk;   Mysz miejska i mysz wiejska;    Koń i wilk;    Lis i bocian.
Ages 4-10; 100 Pages; Hardcover (21.5x30.0 cm)


$ 16.45